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The Library on the Left Bank


Improbable Walks, Season 4, Episode 5: In this episode, we visit the American Library in Paris, on the easily-overlooked little street of General Camou. This is a very short street, in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, and it's worth visiting both for the library, if you're an English-language reader, and for the architecture--both extremes of the 20th century are represented within one block, from Art Nouveau madness to stiff-upper-lip Minimalism. As I mention in the podcast, this is the website for the library itself, and if you're into historical fiction, check out Janet Skeslien Charles' wonderful novel, The Paris Library. Below, I have included an historical photo of American soldiers, reading, in Paris just after the armistice of World War I, along with several of my own photos of the street.



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