Improbable Walks, Season 2, Episode #3: The very short street of Saint-Benoît, starting at the corner of Blvd Saint-Germain. We talk about Marguerite Duras (who lived at #5 St-B), the Café de Flore (where Apollinaire kept regular office hours for years), two literary bookshops—La Hune, now sadly gone, & L’Ecume des Pages (an absolute must, if you read French)—and the inimitable Ted Joans. Plus here's how to make a Café Liégeois at home. (ps this month's podcast needs an apology to both Duras, whose name I have always mispronounced--even though I muttered repeatedly DURASSSSSS I still get it wrong, and to Bernard Gheerbrant, one of the founders of La Hune, because I mangle his name not once, but twice. This is the problem with reading too much & not speaking enough...!)
St-BENOIT, books, & ice cream
Updated: Oct 1, 2021